Charter Township of Monitor

Parks & Rec


Open year round (Bathrooms open April 1-September 30): 8am until dusk

Note: Bathrooms are open 8am-8pm

Monitor Township maintains two parks totaling 22.5 acres for public use.

Monitor Township Recreation Inventory

AmenityMonitor ParkHerbert W. Steih Park
Park TypeCommunity ParkSpecial Use
Baseball Diamonds20
Non-Regulation Baseball Diamonds20
Canoe LaunchNoYes
Horseshoe Pits40
Picnic AreaYesYes
Playground EquipmentYesNo
Waterfront PropertyNoYes

Herbert W. Steih Park

Herbert W. Steih Park located at 3126 Monitor Road is a special use park and boasts:

  • Canoe Launch
  • Picnic Area
  • 1.24 Acres
  • Kawkawlin River Waterfront
  • Location-Aerial

Monitor Park

Monitor Township Park is located at 4585 3 Mile Road between Midland and N. Union and is open from 8 a.m. until sunset year round.  The pavilion restroom locks are now automated, opening at 8:00 am and closing at 9:00 pm. (Restrooms are open May 1 – September 30th) Please if you see any type of destruction or misuse of park property, please report it immediately by calling 911.  As an added benefit to our residents, we will be adding doggie waste stations this year.  Lost items are taken to the Township office. Reservations for the pavilion and ball diamonds are taken at the office.  Remember to please keep your pets on a leash and pick up after your dog whether you are in the park or walking down a street.

Monitor Park is a multiple facility park and boasts:

  • A Pavilion
  • Playground Equipment
  • Volleyball
  • Softball Diamonds (2 Regulation 2 Small)
  • A Paved Walking Trail
  • Horseshoes
  • Grills
  • Picnic Tables
  • New Restroom
  • 21.25 Acres
  • Exercise Stations


The pavilion can be reserved by coming into the Monitor Township Office and filling out a reservation form.  Reservations are taken for the year beginning on the first workday in January.  Reservations are not made over the phone.  Faxed, signed applications will be accepted in the order that they arrive, however, those applying in person on the first morning will be taken first.

Equipment Rental

There is a bag of sports equipment available for your use with a $25.00 deposit which is returned to you when the equipment is returned.  If your reservation is for a weekend, please pick up your equipment at the Township office by 4:45 p.m. on Thursday.

The bag includes:

  • Volleyball
  • Volleyball net
  • Badminton Racquets
  • Badminton net
  • Shuttlecocks
  • 1 Baseball Bat
  • 2 Softballs
  • Horseshoes
  • Soccerball
Bounce House Policy

Anyone wishing to put up a Bounce House or similar inflatable in Monitor Township Parks is required to do the following:

  1. Deliver to the Township a one million dollar liabilityinsurance policy related to placement of the bounce house.
  2. Provide your own source of electricity (generator) for its operation.
Monitor Park Improvements

2017 Park Beautification

