Charter Township of Monitor


Michigan Property Tax Estimator

You can now access estimates on property taxes by local unit and school district, using 2018 millage rates. Simply enter the SEV (for future owners) or the Taxable Value (for current owners), and select your county from the drop down list provided. You will be prompted to select your city, village/township and your school district.  Click Here for Calculator Access

Assessor's office responsibilities

Analyze market transactions to establish assessments in accordance with Michigan Statutes.

Maintain accurate records and provide easily accessible information to the community, other Departments and Township Board.

Utilize education and training to refine and update our skills and knowledge and implement programs to provide meaningful educational materials to the public.

Complete tasks in a timely, cost-effective manner by following an organized plan.

Assessing OVerview

Michigan Statutes require that all Real and Personal Property, subject to taxation, shall be assessed annually.

Assessments are estimated at 50% of the property`s Market Value. However, property owners pay taxes based on the property`s Taxable Value. Taxable Value is the lesser of Assessed Value (SEV) or the prior year`s taxable value minus losses, increased by the lesser of 5% or the Inflation Rate Multiplier, plus Additions. A transfer of ownership will change the taxable value to the assessed value in the year following the transfer of ownership.

$100,000 Taxable Value
25 Millage Rate (Dollars per Thousand)
$2,500 Estimated Annual Tax Bill

Personal Property

Business Personal Property generally consisting of office furniture and fixtures, machinery and equipment, computers, etc, is subject to taxation in the State of Michigan. Normal household furnishings are specifically exempted from personal property taxation.

Owners of assessable personal property are required to file a personal property statement on or before February 20th of each year. This date may vary for a certain type of personal property.

Contact the Assessor`s Office should you have questions about assessable personal property.

Principal Residence exemptions

To claim a PRE, complete the Principal Residence Affidavit Form 2368 and file it with your Township the year of the claim. A valid affidavit filed on or before June 1st allows an owner to receive a PRE on the current year Summer and Winter tax levy and subsequent tax levies so long as it remains your principal residence. A valid affidavit filed after June 1st and on or before November 1st allows an owner to receive a PRE on the current Winter tax levy and subsequent tax levies so long as it remains your principal residence. Your annual Assessment Notice will indicate whether your home is 100% homestead or PRE, or some percentage thereof.

PRE’s are exempt from some school operating millage rates. A property owner shall only be permitted one principal residence exemption. A signed affidavit is required from the property owner to be eligible. NOTE: It is the responsibility of the homeowner to file this affidavit. They do not expire unless they are rescinded. Please contact the Assessing Office should you have any questions about Principal Residence Exemptions.


Why does my Assessment change every year?

The Assessed Value of your property reflects an estimate of 50% of your property value. This estimate is based on sales of similar homes within the same or similar neighborhoods. Your Assessed Value changes to reflect the change in selling prices of similar homes. Additionally, property improvements may increase your Assessed Value.

What is Taxable Value?

Taxable Value is the amount on which a property owner pays property taxes. Taxable Value is the lesser of Assessed Value (SEV) or the prior year`s taxable value minus losses, increased by the lesser of 5% or the Inflation Rate Multiplier, plus Additions. A transfer of ownership will change the Taxable Value to the assessed value in the year succeeding the transfer of ownership.

Losses are the removal of property, such as removal of a garage. An Addition includes finishing a basement, building a deck, and other improvements.

How can my taxable value go up when my assessed value goes down?

Over the years, the majority of property values in Monitor Township have increased in value greater than the IRM.  However, many neighborhoods are now experiencing a decline in the market value. The constitutional amendment know as Proposal A requires that the Taxable Value increase by the IRM, however it cannot exceed the Assessed Value.

Some property owners have a significant difference in the amount of their Assessed Values and Taxable Values. Assessed Value represents 50% of the estimated property value. Taxable Value is a mathematical formula which is based on the preceding year`s Taxable Value increased by the Inflation Rate Multiplier (IRM).  The IRM is determined by the entire State and applied by each municipality. Taxable Value may also increase for physical additions and decrease for physical losses.

The year after you purchase your home or lot, the Taxable Value is uncapped` and becomes the same amount as the Assessed Value for that year only. Each year thereafter, the Taxable Value is adjusted by the IRM in the same manner as described above.

Proposal A mandates that the Taxable Value is adjusted each year by the IRM. The assessed Value is adjusted each year based on sales studies. Sales studies are based primarily on actual sales of similar homes in similar areas. The sales analysis may indicate that the market value should increase, decrease or stay the same.

If the Assessed Value of the home is determined to be less than the Taxable Value which has been adjusted by the I RM, the Assessed Value (the lower value) becomes the Taxable Value. Taxable value is the amount on which property taxes are calculated.

What if I do not agree with the Assessed Value or the Taxable Value of my property?

Each property is valued annually. Property owners are notified annually of their revised assessment. Review the Assessment notice carefully. If you dispute the Assessed Value, the Assessor`s Office recommends that you discuss your Assessed Value and the calculation Taxable Value with our office. Also, visit the Assessor`s Office to inspect your property record for accuracy.  The property owner may appeal his/her Assessment to the March Board of Review. Taxable Value may change as a result of an Assessment revision, however, may not be appealed independently of the Assessment.


The Assessment Notice lists the date that the March Board of Review is in session.  The March Board of Review conducts informal hearings on the current year`s Assessment. Valuation disputes may not be heard by the Board of Review after their March Board sessions have closed. Therefore, it is important that property owners disputing their assessment file their appeal timely.

The Monitor Township Board of Review consists of three members. These three members are appointed by the Township Board in accordance with the Michigan General Property Tax Act.

What if I dispute the decision of the March Board of Review?

If you dispute the decision of the March Board of Review, a property owner may appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal. The appeal must be filed with the Tribunal.  Certain appeals may require an appearance before the March Board of Review before you may appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal.

Are the appraisals records open to the public?

Virtually all the Assessment records are available to the public. Property owners may examine their property records as well as any other property in the Township.


Assessor's Office

Beth L. Patterson



Deputy Supervisor

989-684-7203 Ext. 3

Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am-4pm or by appointment

How to Read Assessment Notice

Change of Address

Zoning Map

Land Value Map 2022

Michigan Townships Association

Michigan Townships Association

Official Bay County Website

Michigan Tax Tribunal

Property Tax Query

Tax Tribunal Small Claims Form

March Board of Review Petition Form 618/L-4075

Exemption Information

Hardship Property Tax Exemption Application

2024 Federal Poverty Guidelines

Bulletin 19 of 2023 – Disabled Veterans Exemption

Disabled Veterans Exemption FAQ (Approved November 2023, Updated February 15, 2024)

Disabled Veterans Reminded to Contact Local Municipality to Qualify for Property Tax Exemption

PA 161 of 2013, Disabled Veterans Exemption

Form 5107 – State Tax Commission Affidavit for Disabled Veterans Exemption

Form 6054 – Request to Rescind Disabled Veterans Exemption

Form 6055 – Notice of Denial of Disabled Veterans Exemption

Veteran’s Specially Adapted Housing Exemption

Property Transfer Affidavit

Principal Residence Exemption Guidelines 08/22

Important Changes to Principal Residence Exemption Statute FAQ’s

Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) Affidavit

 Request to Rescind Principal Residence Exemption

Conditional Rescission of Principal Residence Exemption (PRE).

Conditional Rescission of Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) FAQ’s

Real/Personal Property Tax Exemption Application

EMPP Exemption Form #5278

Small Business Property Tax Exemption Claim Form #5076

Business Personal Property Statement Form L-4175

Land Division Information

Land Division Act 288 of 1967

Land Division Ordinance #50

Land Division Ordinance #50 a

Land Division Application

Lot Line Adjustment Application

Combination of Parcels Application

Online Property Inquiry

The Assessing office maintains all assessment records for residential, commercial and industrial properties within the Township. Information available through our Online Property Inquiry includes: parcel number and address, legal description, general building description, square footage, year built and building sketch. Lot sizes are available in our office. Assessment Notices are sent to property owners by late February every year.

Normal Repair, Replacement and Maintenance Expenditures

If you are making non-structural changes to your home in the way of normal repair, replacement or maintenance, you should file Form #865 which would exempt the cost of these improvements from assessment until the property is sold.

Board of Review

Terms:  Jan 1, 2023 – Dec 31, 2024

Terry M. Spencer – Secretary

Paul Wenzloff        

Robert Kienbaum   

Darlene Trigg       

Wade Eckenrod – Alternate  

Board of Review FAQ’s

2025 Board of Review Notice

Assessing FAQ'S

Assessing answers to your frequently asked questions-Beth L. Patterson, Assessor-MAAO, MCPPE.  Click here

Land Value Map-Monitor 2022
Assessing Department staff continually is in the field updating property record card information, photos, and sketches; performing onsite property inspections for the Township’s commercial, industrial, and residential neighborhoods. The State Tax Commission recommends all properties be re-inspected every 5 years to update property information and assure more accurate and equitable assessments. For property owners not at home, a property survey sheet will be left at the property. We request you complete the form and return it at your earliest convenience. The Department reviews a portion of the properties in the Township every year. This process includes: • Updating the exterior photo of the property • Reviewing aerial photos • Reviewing the condition of the structure Staff also inspects property for new construction, remodeling, or demolition. An appraiser may request a full inspection if there are physical changes made to the property. Why do we do this? Assessors are responsible to assess all property in the Township at 50% of fair market value. This includes commercial, industrial, and residential properties, vacant land, and personal property. To meet the standards of the State Tax Commission, the Assessing Department reviews a portion of the properties every year. This allows the Township to keep accurate records. The Department is responsible for the inventory of all property within the Township and valuation and maintaining property record information of all property both real property (land and buildings) and personal (tangible). It operates under requirements of the General Property Tax Law which were originally P.A. 206 of 1893; Statutes can be found under MCL 211.1 through MCL 211.157. The Department is primarily responsible for performing and maintaining property assessments for the equitable distribution of property tax burden. Department compiles the annual assessment roll on which taxes will be levied; maintaining property tax descriptions and maps, processes personal property statements, and conducts field audits of both existing properties and new construction located within Monitor Township. In addition, providing the Township Treasurer with taxable value on all Township properties, used to produce annual tax bills. o Establish legal assessment roll and annually site visit 20% property o Review and evaluate commercial and industrial property o Site visit and review all new construction o Continue public education in areas such as non-consideration forms, PRE aka homestead applications, property transfers, and personal property tax law o Enhance and increase understanding of and compliance with the property tax system as established by City charter and State law. For More Information Regarding the Difference Between Your Assessed and Taxable Value click here.